Reporting Bad Behavior on BBO
There are times on when you’re playing in a non-ACBL event and can’t call a director; but just because there’s no director, doesn’t mean there are no problems at your table. While you might not be able to get a ruling about a break-in-tempo or keep your opponents from talking to each other in the table chat, there is still a way to report bad behavior to BBO.
When you bring up a player’s profile by clicking on their username, there is a small, hard to spot link in the bottom left corner that says, ‘Report Abuse”:

Clicking on that link will bring up a simple form you can fill out and submit directly to BBO:

BBO can use information gathered from these forms to warn or even block problematic players on their site, so you’ll be making the experience better for everyone on BBO! You can also use this to report behavior issues during ACBL sanctioned games, but you should also notify the director in charge.